Wednesday 24 April 2019

Audience Research NEA

Audience Research

Task one define your audience using the following AUDIENCE SEGMENTATION model  (20 minutes)
Socioeconomic: GEARS
Region 9 regional identity

For each part of the acronym state what will be in the advert (in terms of media language/representation) to attract your audience, use the brief to help establish the target audience profile.

Gender: For both genders, however, some of the castings may be leaning towards a certain gender due to the casting available. 
Ethnicity: Again any Ethnicity.
Age: There are bright colours on the advert, Saturated colours. This and the graffiti shaped logo makes it aimed at younger people, ie teenagers, and 20s or just above. Other things in the logo also point towards the teenage demographic. The cast would be around this age including and aiming for this demographic more.
Regional Identity: The advert points towards Essex in several ways. First of all the cast would be made to look like stereotypical Essex people. For example, the way they dress, their expressions what they are doing etc. 
Socio-Economic: Aimed at people who are in D to C1. This will be reflected in the prices on the advert, the type of clothes the cast will be wearing. As well as the fact that the people will be using phones, and will be in the kind of area that that economic group would be in.

Task two define your audience using the 4 C’s segmentation model, select one of the above categories and highlight how your audience might be attracted to the advert (give an example in terms of the media language of the mock-up designs).  (15 minutes)
Cross-Cultural Consumer Characterisation model
4 main categories are (MARS)
The other categories to be added to this are (ERS) EXPLORER RESIGNED  STRUGGLER
It takes the following as consumer motivations: SECURITY, CONTROL, STATUS, INDIVIDUALITY, FREEDOM, SURVIVAL and ESCAPE

The "Mainstream" is attracted because the advert will follow what is considered "on trend" today. Ie the clothes that are being worn, the type of shops, and the core need in life for a "mainstream" are for security. This is achieved by them feeling secure in the fact that they are going along with the crowd.

The "Explorer" would also be attracted as their core need in life is to experience new things. As this brand and idea are new, they are more than likely to give it a go. However, keeping their loyalty afterwards may be an issue as they are extremely fickle and will quickly jump to the next "new" thing.

Survey Questions

#insert age question here#
1. Out of 10 how would you rate the quality of this advert, 
2. Do you think the setting is appropriate and why yes/no (insert textbox)?
3. Do you think the cast is appropriate and why yes/no (insert textbox)?
4. Do you think that the age and the economic group is suitable for a teenager to 25 and D to C2 #Insert Visuals (Economic table)#?, 
5. Do you think the activity and the clothes for the age and economic group, as well as the location?,
6. Do you think that the Products shown in the advert are appropriate for the company, and are age appropriate?,
7. What is your favourite type of advertising and why?
8. What is your age, regional and economic demographics?

9. Do you think this advert fits the regional demographics of Essex?
10. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Charts from Survey

Forms response chart. Question title: What age bracket are you?. Number of responses: 5 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title:  Out of 10 how would you rate the quality of this advert?. Number of responses: 5 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What economic group do you belong to?. Number of responses: 5 responses.

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