Thursday 25 April 2019

Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent

For my adverts, I have used two white-british males, and two white-british girls as cast. One girl and the boy are 16 the other two are 17. These represent the different social groups that each gender has, but also the age group they all share. The advert itself makes use of what I believe to be a kind of hipster style, as it fits in with the age group. One example of this is the logo for the company. It is simple consisting of two initials, and a graffiti like effect, in order to keep promoting the age group and demographic of teenagers.
The settings are urban backgrounds, and the photoshop affect is made to make the text look like a billboard, or graffiti or a poster on the wall behind the cast member.
The use of colour is important in my advert, as certain colours invoke certain feelings. I have used yellow and red mainly as they stand out, yellow is associated with happiness and red is a bright colour that went well with the background.
The logo itself also ties in with another important aspect of this project, the Essex identity. The logo includes a microphone to explore the loud aspects of an essex stereotype, lipstick to display the heavy use of makeup an essex stereotype also is said to use, and a hat for the gang/chav-like mentality that essex often has.

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